Following microdiscectomy surgery, patients may undergo a physical therapy program for stretching, increased strength, mobility and aerobic conditioning to prevent recurrent back pain or disc herniation. Our physicians serve as innovators in technology,actively participate in national and international research studies,and are on the forefront of medical knowledge. Another reason that the pain could be continuing is because of an unsuccessful surgery, which is a risk one takes before undergoing the procedure. It depends upon the caliber, velocity, distance from the muzzle and the path of the bullet. When discectomy is performed, improvement in LRP is observed due to spinal nerve irritation. Now considered the gold standard treatment forremovingherniated lumbar disc tissue, a microdiscectomy procedure is an ultra-precise method that requires only atinyincisioncausing minimal disruption to surrounding healthy tissue. With our numerous combined years of experience, we are confident we can design the optimal pain management plan to address your individual needs. These can include: blood loss. While most people who experience sciatica will not require surgery, if all other treatments . Additionally, he is very active in the Global Spine Outreach, an international initiative that provides treatment for Cali, Colombia children with spinal deformities. Does that sound like a reasonable way to proceed with these leftover pains Im having? Typically, there will be an activity or motion that causes an immediate pain that does not improve with time. But its still there with the same movements as before but later in the movement. Did your little test and can just barely get my toes off the floor on my left foot. Amicrodiscectomyis a procedure used to remove all or part of a herniated disc when damaged discs are causing pain, numbness, and weakness ina patientslegs and back. This website is the stand out source for me. is surgery that creates space by removing the lamina, the back part of the vertebrae that covers your spinal cord. The most common reason to have a microdiscectomy is to alleviate nerve pain that has not resolved within a reas. The best wayfor them to diagnose the problem isthrough physical examination findings correlated with imaging studies (MRI, CT scan, X-rays, etc.). Exercise about a half-dozen times daily for six weeks or more after surgery. Return nerve pain after a microdiscectomy can originate from three issues; nerve inflammation, re-herniation or seroma formation. Although most lumbar laminectomy patients with leg pain feel better immediately . Spinal discectomy surgery is a minimally invasive keyhole procedure in which a surgeon removes all or part of a disc in the patients spine. Although most patients enjoy noticeable pain relief immediately following the surgery, nerve recovery after a lumbar discectomy is dependent on a variety of factors. One reason for continued pain even after a discectomy could be a misdiagnosis. Learn More and Watch Our Video on Microdiscectomy for Herniated Discs. If your doctor prescribesmedicationfor you to help with pain or inflammation,take it asprescribed. For instance, if a herniated disc was irritating a nerve for a while before your surgery, it could take a few weeks or more for the affected part of the nerve to fully heal and recover. Avoid lifting heavy objects until you are fully recovered and given the O.K. version of the surgerythatcan be performed on various parts of the spine. Within 24 hours of surgery, you should be up and moving around. Still, Dr. Liu cautions that, during the first couple weeks following surgery, patients should avoid repeatedly bending or twisting, lifting anything heavier than five or six pounds, driving, or performing tasks like lawn mowing, sweeping, shoveling snow or dirt, doing the laundry, running, jogging or other activities that can overly tax back muscles. Now considered the gold standard treatment forremovingherniated lumbar disc tissue, a microdiscectomy procedure is an ultra-precise method that requires only atinyincisioncausing minimal disruption to surrounding healthy tissue. My back was inflamed afterwards, and I had some hip pain the following day, but I didnt think much of it, because those episodes happened during my previous recovery and would resolve with rest>rest in 2 days max. I swam close to an hour and a half (with pauses in between, obviously) and afterwards I felt amazing, the nerve pain was reduced by a half. In the meantime, I hope you dont mind me asking another question. Leg pain is definitely secondary to problems in back because there is a spinal cord from brain to the tail tip which gives branches to the legs and arms at d. Could it be that the nerve is just waking up and healing? !he read all of my issue and details and his replies really helped me in decidingi am now confident about my decision and i now totally understand the procedure thanks to the in-depth information providedthank you ever so much ! Same as you, the right foot is fine. Although the surgery itself ismuch less invasive thantraditionalprocedures,a long-termmicrodiscectomy success ratedependson followingyourdoctorsspecific recoveryinstructions. The great thing is that there is NO pain in my back!!!! However, in the last two days, I have noticed some nerve tingling down my right leg, at the back of the knee, heel, and the big toe. You stated that you went back to work too soon-what time frame are you speaking of? A lumbar laminectomy removes most of the bony arch, or lamina, of a vertebra when other medical treatments fail to relieve back pain. I will keep going with my phyisical therapy, perform gentle stretches additionally and contact my surgeon again if things havent improved after 12 weeks? Did I herniated my disc again by starting to walk and even drive too soon after the surgery -- the next day? Is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Right for You? Symptoms are generally more severe than inflammation above but dont necessarily have to be. I was always treated with respect and explained everything throughly, that made it easy for everyone to understand. If youhave diabetes, practice good blood glucose management. Stronger painkillers, such as opioids, are typically used in combination with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). While doing so, be sureto avoid anymajordiscomfort that could interfere with the recovery process. If this service is not available, try to do activities at home that mimic your daily work schedule to develop muscular conditioning and a reserve for the initial days at work. Was up walking shortly after surgery. Was able to walk longer, and had almost no pain, except for the incision site stiffness. Finally, seroma formation can occur. Have experienced some problems with my left leg that wasn't experiencing before surgery - numb, pins & needles, walk with a gate - seems to be getting better, however, the butt pain is killing me? These patients may benefit from a minimally invasive surgery called microdiscectomy, which is considered the gold standard surgical treatment for disc herniation. This pain is really a "pain in the butt." It takes time for this swelling to reduce as noted before. Nerve tingling or paresthesias are common post nerve decompression. Ive been reading through many of these questions and respons 38 year old male, 5'8 165 pounds. My health is my most important concern, will just have to see how things go. This type of postoperative pain is commonly called failed back surgery syndrome because you've swapped out one type of pain for another. For patients experiencing nerve pain from a herniated or bulging vertebral disc, significant weakness and numbness can result in the legs and buttock areas that correspond with the pinched nerve. Endoscopic Spine Surgeon Dr. Kaixuan Liu Offers Tips to Speed the Recovery Process after a Microdiscectomy. Heavy physical activity within the first few weeks, As you can see, patient compliance plays a major role in ensuring ahealthier, more complete. Adjacent segment syndrome (also known as . One reason your leg may still hurt after microdiscectomy surgery is because of the way compression can affect nerve roots. What follows is a snapshot of life after a microdiscectomy, along with common microdiscectomy recovery mistakes that everypostoperativepatient should avoid. The nerve root when decompressed, can swell. I have nerve issues in the lumbar and my spine doc is in denial - advice? A burning sensation after spine surgery can be the direct result of these muscles and ligaments repairing themselves during the healing process. In severe cases, patients may also have less control of bladder or bowel function control. Dr. Liu offers the following lumbar discectomy recovery tips: There are not many permanent restrictions after a microdiscectomy. Instead, take up walking, swimming, or another low-impact form of exercise. If you are tempted to do so, ask a friend or family member todo the heavy-lifting foryou instead. This should improve in the weeks after surgery. With it being the weekend, I am in limbo!!!! The management of a re-herniated disc is much like the primary disc prolapse. Research has established that the SI joint is the source of pain in nearly half of patients who experience new or continued low back pain after fusion surgery. Regarding your situation, I think pain is normal after a microdiscectomy. I endorse any activity that reduces symptoms and does not cause rebound increase of symptoms later that evening. Your body naturally wants to rest during this period, as pain and fatigue are at their highest. We strive toofferefficient and professional. Similarly, a thinned-out and stretched- out annulus place the patient at higher risk for reherniation, along with a wide incision of the annulus during surgery. As fellowship-trained physicians with over, treating spinal conditions, we offer patient recommendations for treatment, including conservative care, non-operativetreatment, and sophisticated, customized surgical solutions. After physical therapy and other conservative measures failed, a woman experiencing pain and weakness in her legs and lower back underwent lumbar decompression surgery. The two year anniversary of my microdiscectomy recently passed and I thought I should write an update on the long term effects of a microdiscectomy! A lumbarmicrodiscectomymay become necessarywhen a herniated lumber disc affects one side of the body. If it's similar or slightly improved to your pre-op pain, then I wouldn't panic. What should I do now. Back pain can grow progressively worse and more disabling, depending on the cause.