/F1 6 0 R Federalism in India. Reasons for a state to adopt a federal system include the need to reflect linguistic, economic and cultural differences of a population, especially one that is concentrated geographically. Also, there was a demand for more local regions by all these ethnic interest groups which was what led to the creation of new states. This is because federalism is presented as a panacea in organizing distinct political identities under a state. That is often the reason why some adherents of Marx quarrel vehemently about such preordained classification such as: haves and have-nots; and the liberal minds grappling with, insisting not only that all hands are not equal, but that they must never, for whatsoever reason at all, be made equal - believing that that would tantamount to the highest injustice. Brad Simpson (2014) The Biafran secession and the limits of self-determination, Journal of Genocide Research, 16:2-3, 337-354, WARN POLICY BRIEF THE NIGERIA STATE AND THE BIAFRA QUESTION: THREATS TO OR OPPORTUNITIES FOR NATIONAL COHESION, LAST TRAIN TO BIAFRA - Memories of a Biafran Child: A Personal Family Experience, Fiscal Federalism, Ethnic Minorities and the National Question in Nigeria: Revisiting the Case of the Niger Delta People, WARN POLICY BRIEF WARN POLICY BRIEF THE NIGERIA STATE AND THE BIAFRA QUESTION: THREATS TO OR OPPORTUNITIES FOR NATIONAL COHESION, Biafra Resurgence: State Failure, Insecurity and Separatist Agitations in Nigeria, Biafra Separatism: Causes, Consequences and Remedies, The Nigerian State and the Quest for Restructuring: Implications for Democratic Consolidation, THE DISINTEGRATION OF YUGOSLAVIA: A LESSON FOR NIGERIA, MASSOB AND IPOB SELF DETERMINATION AND THE NIGERIA STATE, Ndi Igbo, Leadership, Nationhood, the Nigerian Dilemma and Why We Are All Biafrans, Death of a nation - Biafra and the Nigerian question.pdf, Exploring the Dimensions of Secessionist Agitations: Security Threats and Implications for Nigeria 1966-2016, REVISITING THE NIGERIA-BIAFRA WAR: THE INTANGIBLES OF POST- WAR RECONCILIATION, The Ambiguity of Constitutional Silence on State Secession in Nigeria: Looking Beyond Politics of Compassion and Prejudice, West Africa Insight Secessionist Movement ENGLISH Version, Situation Analysis on Public Safety and Security Governorship Election in Anambra State, IGBOS, A PEOPLE THRIVING AMIDST ADVERSITY: WHO ARE THE IGBOS, Pro-Biafran Activists and the call for a Referendum: A Sentiment Analysis of 'Biafraexit' on Twitter after UK's vote to leave the European Union, NIGERIA: WHAT IS TO BE DONE? Nigeria did not choose federal system of government because it is the best or most practiced system of government in the world. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz 3. From that date, the concept of federalism incorporated the idea of patterned contact at two levels: at the governmental level between the participating units, and among the citizens of these different units (Dare, 1979:26). ideology, federalism becomes the only solution to ensure peace and unity amongst the. However, it is also fact that since independence Nigeria has promulgated several constitutions and that if Nigeria wanted an alternative system of government, she could have opted for it. Resource control: 3.7 7. Moreover, it is important to note that most of the ethnic groups in Nigeria had strong political inter-group relationship before colonial rule. Also, the adoption of the Littleton constitution of 1954 laid further credence to . 2013 PP.100-107, This paper explores the issue of unification federalism in Nigeria, which has been an obstacle to peace, development and threats to security .The findings from an extensive reading of related materials suggest that, the root of contemporary political conflict and underdevelopment in Nigeria political landscape shows clearly in the area of imbalance political structures that were established before and after independence. 4 0 obj That notwithstanding, The origin and concept of federalism boasts of a very popular definition by an American scholar, K.C. From the above explanation, one can rightly say that the constitution of Nigeria and United States of America are federal constitutions while the constitution of France and the Republic of Ireland are Unitary constitutions. By every political barometer, this is a thought-provoking account of the Nigeria-Biafra political imbroglio. The states were later increased to 30 states. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter), Abstract: The Nigeria civil war (1967-1970) provoked by declaration of Biafra republic had indelible imprint on Nigeria state. (eds. Thus, there is continuous agitation by many ethnic nationalities for a sovereign national conference in order to renegotiate the Nigeria federal deal to put Nigeria on the path of true federalism to guarantee her unity and co-existence. Other specific reasons for the increasing demand for decentralisation are: Central governments increasingly are finding that it is impossible for them to . It was under the 1954 constitution that federal system of government was fully adopted. Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation There must be a formal decision of government powers by the constitution between the federal and state government. Each document posted on the site includes a link to the corresponding official PDF file on govinfo.gov. Death of a nation - Biafra and the Nigerian question.pdf, The politics and problem of fiscal federalism and revenue allocation formula in Nigeria: Who should get what, how, when and why, Resource Control: a Necessary Element for True Federalism in Nigeria, THE IMPACT OF STATE JOINT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT ON STATE LOCAL RELATIONS IN SOUTH WESTERN NIGERIA, MEMORANDUM ON TRUE FEDERALISM SUBMITTED BY THE 'RESTRUCTURE NIGERIA' COMMUNITY AS A RESPONSE TO THE APC COMMITTEE CALL ON TRUE FEDERALISM, THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES The Legal Framework for the Corporate Existence of Nigeria, Intricacies and paradoxes federalism and secessionism in Nigeria.pdf, Civic Education Curriculum Implementation, NIGERIAN FEDERALISM AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: PURSUIT, PROSPECTS AND IMPEDIMENTS TO UNITY AND NATION BUILDING, Constitutions Making, Amendments, Reviews and Nigerias Political Development: Abacha regime, added more states making Nigeria a federation of 36 states and Federal capital Territory at Abuja. It forays into the inherent issues underlying the Biafran movement and the ways in which those issues, as well as Biafran agitation, are inimical to Nigeria's development. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Also read: Highest paying law firms in Nigeria. The federal government however has occupied a very strong position vis--vis the State and Local government since the 1970's in Nigeria. Another important factor that necessitated federalism in Nigeria was the political culture of the country. In Nigerian democracy, there is a federalist system of government. To know more about various aspects of federalism in Nigeria ,you may read from . By the time Nigeria became a republic, the system of federalism was adopted and the country was considered as a federation of three regions. It concluded that the interplay of these variables leads to the degeneration of the national question and. Critically, after that train, every other train went to Nigeria from Nigeria, indicating the enormity of the wall of enmity demarcating Nigeria from the sovereign State of Biafra. So for effective governance of a country of this big size, federalism has to be adopted. Justice Udo Udoma is of the view that regionalism was introduced by the colonialists in order to divide and rule, and weaken true national unity in Nigeria. This book was released on 2022-09-16 with total page 197 pages. By the time Nigeria got her independence, the various party involved had been regionally based. Hon. /Font << The paper begins by placing the question in an historical context examines its different phases and characters. Your email address will not be published. The powers that exist between the federal and state government also depends on the constitution. If the desire to remain separate does not exist, the the association will not be federal but unitary with some delegation of powers to local government. With the total area of 923,768 km, Nigeria can not justifiably be administered by a lone leviathan from the top. This paper consequently argues that the anxiety as well as angst attributable to this agitation has the tendencies of not only disrupting the relative-peace presently enjoyed by the various groups, but is also, if not controlled, capable of plunging the country into a state of economic comatose and perpetual fragility. Your email address will not be published. However, where there is a conflict of authority between the federal government and regional government, the federal authority supersedes. Just very few words have evoked much more controversy in the discus of politics than the word, federalism. The first military head of state, General J.T.U Aguiyi Ironsi for instance was interested in a unitary Nigeria and he scrapped federalism. Trouble for INEC staff who violated Electoral Act during presidential polls as c 53 things to do with your boyfriend: fun ways to spend time together, Presidential election: Jack-Rich salutes Tinubu, Shettima over victory, Maritime workers hail Supreme Court over old naira notes, says cargo can now leave ports, Dating apps in Nigeria: best applications to help you find the one. Besides this desire, there was also the presence of certain socio-economic conditions (Babalola, 2013 . British North American colonies unite 3 Up to 1867, the colonies 4 of British North America had no political or geographical links. On the contrary it has also been suggested that is created more diversity and conflict for the nation to grapple with. In 1963 Midwestern region was created and Nigeria became a nation of four regions. Very often, the problem has appeared in twofold. Federalism did not return to Nigeria until after his death. /F6 21 0 R of diversities helps in a nations decision to adopt the aggregative or disaggregative type of federalism. It was subsequently, not until after the American constitution of 1787, that a new concept of federalism was introduced. or this it really helped me, Your email address will not be published. Indeed, whatever scholarly connotations they bear, one strongly believes that they all enjoy one clear focus. Bashar Abubakar Bukkuyum This is good 'nd thank you Blogger. %PDF-1.5 No doubt, the Ethnic, Religious and Geographical nature of Nigeria also contributed to the reason why federalism was adopted. REASONS FOR LOW TRADE Historical reasons - India adopted socialist model of economy and policy of import substitution and protectionism till 1990s and civil wars and domestic instability in other countries Poor Connectivity- Due to difficult terrain on borders, poor development of inland waterways, poor border infrastructure like border huts . Required fields are marked *. 4 Topics . This was many times more the population of most African countries then. It will schock you to know Nigerias adoption of federalism was also in the interest of the leaders. Unity of the country: 3.3 3. we are proud to nigeria our inherited country,god bless nigeria. POL 124 MAIN CONTENT Mar 21, 2011 NEW (1), Resource Control, Federalism and Peace in the Niger Delta: A Reflection on Nigeria at Fifty, Federalism and Revenue Allocation in Nigeria: A Critical Evaluation of the Derivation Principle, Legal Framework for Fiscal Federalism: Issues and Options for Reform, RESOURCE CONTROL, REVENUE ALLOCATION AND PETROLEUM POLITICS IN NIGERIA: THE NIGER DELTA QUESTION, Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Nigeria's Fourth Republic: Issues and Challenges, The Nigerian State and the Quest for Restructuring: Implications for Democratic Consolidation, Federalism, Democracy and Constitutionalism: The Nigerian Experience. He is also a Developer with knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and React Native. As at the time of independence, the population of Nigeria was estimated at 45.21 million. If you answer to the above questions is no, then you lucky to be here. Federal System of Government/Federalism | Week 8. Moreover, Federalism as a system of government has been approached with variegated definitions such that one might argue that there are much definitions of federalism as there are authors on the subject. Peter W I L F R E D Naankiel, FRED EKPE F. AYOKHAI, Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs, African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, African Journal of Governance and Development, Calabar Journal of Politics and Administration, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Under Reconstruction: Ethnicity, Ethnic Nationalism, and the Future of the Nigerian State, Institutional Engineering and the Survival of Nigerian Federalism, " Managing a Plural Society : the Boomerang Effects of Nigerian Federalism' Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics , 27, 1-2 (July 1989), 218-245, An Historical Interrogation of Federalism berlin, THE PRACTICE OF TRUE FEDERALISM IN NIGERIA AND THE NIGER DELTA QUESTION, "The dawn of constitutionalism in Nigeria in Mbondenyi, M. K., and Ojienda T. Even the masses in the rural areas of the country are allowed to participate in politics by electing their representatives into office. Political culture of Nigeria: 3.4 4. According to Ayoade (2009:iii): Nigerians have come to identify the first republic 1960- 66 as the golden age of federalism in Nigeria. This simply means that federalism in Nigeria provides accommodation, an institutional arrangement which gives the component units equal and coordinate jural status. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. THE THEME OF IMAGERY AND SYMBOLISM IN THE IPOB SECESSIONIST STRUGGLE, Abdul's Assignment on 711 Dr. Usman Mohammed, A nation divided against itself: Biafra and the conflicting online protest discourses, Ethnicity, Political Exclusion and the Resurgence of Separatism in South-Eastern, Nigeria, Hands Behind their backs: Making a case for a region-centred restructuring framework, THE EFFECT OF CRIMINAL INJUSTICE AGAINST EASTERN NIGERIA AND THE DEMAND FOR SELF-DETERMINATION BY IPOB. Therefore, the adoption of a federal political framework in Nigeria was a necessity as the system was the only viable option for a multi-ethnic country like Nigeria. Thus, federalism is mostly considered a tangible element for coexistence, but much more, I think, as political syrup, for adumbrating potent dislocations inherent in, and symptomatic of pluralist societies. The Complete Material Will Be Sent To Your . Problems facing the legal profession in Nigeria, History of the legal profession in Nigeria, Problems of Local Government in Nigeria And Solutions, 5 important Characteristic of customary law, Sources of Nigerian Law: everything you need to know. It has been suggested that the creation of more states and local government have helped in the distribution of national cake. In Nigerias case, the tongues and tribes that made up Nigeria has one colonial history. Also see: Differences between Cross-offers and counter-offers, five reasons for the adoption of federalism in nigeria. I love this article,very educating and interesting The governmental powers are shared between the federal government and the thirty-six state governments. A Policy Brief examining the actors, factors and dynamics of the agitations, questioning if the current agitation is another flash in the pan and if current responses are adequate to address the agitations for secession of Biafra from Nigeria. To make mortgage industry standards more flexible and modernized, the proposed rule would remove the requirement that lenders and mortgagees register with HUD each branch office . Geographical nearness of the component states to each other and the state network of roads and transportation. What is federalism? Nigeria is a plural society of over 250 tongues and tribes. Ethnic, Religious and Geographical Factor 3.5 5. It argues that although deficient in popular sovereignty, the Constitutions legitimacy is moot since it is the operative law that governs the country. Abstract One of the arguments for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria is the desire for economic and political viability and development in a nation of uneven distribution of human and. i dont have my first school leaving certificate. Your email address will not be published. Secondly, are these groups well pleased, or do they at least accept such manipulative placements? federalism, a heavily coercive effort by a nondemocratic centralizing power to put together a multinational state, some of the components of which had previously been independent states. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ Naturally, federal system of government has some distinctive features namely: 1. Keep it up , Yes , I love it and I was sentitize on those reasons. Federalism is a system of government where there are a decentralization power and autonomy of governance to the regional or federated states that share sovereignty with the Federal Government. Nigeria can be said to be operating the federal system of government, whereas in actual practice, the country is tending towards a unitary system. After nearly three decades of cumulative military rule, the country returned to civilian governance in 1999 under a presidential system of government. 1. There are three major tribes in Nigeria namely Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba. "There are reasons why some nation-states opt for federalism. June 1,2022 This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. +roiF9_? AK ku nh4P9\ }}31Ik "V mk@G~ . Federalism has been present in Nigeria since the former British colony was reorganized into a federation of three regions in 1946. Also, Read: Bad Leadership Causes, Effects And Solutions In Nigeria. Federalism as a system of government which is meant to help to advance good governance and development of a multi-ethnic and big country like Nigeria. %PDF-1.5 The size of Nigeria is therefore managed and maintained with federalism. Also see: Historical constitutional development in Nigeria explained. INTERNAL COLONIALISM IN NIGERIA Some of the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria are the diversity of the nation and the desire for political, cultural and social identity of a people of over 250 ethnic groups, several languages, diversities and a lot of political traditions; the desire for some form of and Democracy in Nigeria, ISSUES IN NIGERIAN FISCAL FEDERALISM; THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PRINCIPLE OF DERIVATION AND RESOURCE CONTROL. This is so because where federal principles apply, the various ethnic groups that cannot or dont form majority to produce large part may have the opportunity of governing themselves within their federating unit controlled by them. In order to examine these issues, this paper adopted qualitative research and intrinsic approach methodology, along with relative deprivation theory. This post will give you some insight into why federalism was adopted as the system of governance in Nigeria. In many countries of the world, federalism has emerged as a means of accommodating the growing desire of people to preserve or revive the intimacy of small societies and the growing necessity for larger combinations to mobilize the utilization of common resources. 3 Reasons for federal system of government in Nigeria 3.1 1. +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ The analysis of the emerging issues and scenarios as well as the response options aims at supporting the efforts of different stakeholders including the Federal government on managing the current pro-Biafra agitation. /F3 12 0 R The federal system adopted in 1954 comprised a national government and three regional governments: Eastern, Northern, and Western. Biafrans who are geographically in the South and SouthEast of Ni-geria feel and believe that their economic and developmental prowess are not well represented in the Nigerian state, and this lack of representation leads to marginalization. The military were able to create more states because military decrees do not pass the same rigorous method bills pass in a democratic government. reasons for the adoption of federalism in nigeria pdf. politicization of ethnicity or the ethnicization of the politics of state creation that Nigeria has witnessed in recent years. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is publishing this proposed rule to revise HUD's regulations for branch office registration requirements. Government at different periods had set up commissions to advise on the acceptable revenue sharing formula, especially as it affects the three (3) tiers of government. Political institutions, Kinship ties, Origin of towns and their cultural antecedents are enriched with similar history. >> /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Email Address. 6 0 obj This notwithstanding, the concept of federalism boasts of a very popular definition by an American scholar, K.C. 7. Over the years, it is quite obvious that Nigeria is one of the few countries that adopted federal system of Government in Africa, a system that envisages autonomy for every sect of its authorities (federal, state and local government respectively). welcome, and thanks for reading us. Rather there has been more challenges than benefits of this federal system. Another major reason why federalism was adopted in Nigeria is the multiple ethnic backgrounds in Nigeria. Is there high propensity or likelihood of exclusion, marginalization and relative deprivation, which was to engender obsessive mutual antagonism? In this article, i will comprehensively discuss the reasons for federalism in Nigeria. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. % To avert this domination, states unite to form a strong, virile and stable union capable of withstanding external attacks. All attempts to solve these problems over the years have failed. Many Nigerian ethnic groups began to agitate for their own states. Mere desire to unite is not enough but there must be the desire to remain separate in respect to other matters. First, how to properly place peoples, better still - indigenes and ethnic groupings, in their relevant socio-economic categories; that is, in line with the oil windfalls. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. It also decided that the Public . REVENUE ALLOCATION IN NIGERIA: NEED FOR REFORM? Federalism therefore involves the linkage of individuals, groups and policies in lasting but limited union in such a way as to provide for the energetic pursuit of common goals while maintaining the respective integrities of all parties. It submits that the problem with constitutionalism in Nigeria is poor leadership and poor implementation of the Constitution. Mainly of telling who is who in a given society. There is no doubt that geographical factored are one of the influential reasons for federalism in Nigeria. +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ /F7 24 0 R Nigeria as a nation has succeeded in commanding influence among member states by the virtue of its size. Nigeria has been dubbed as a product of British colonial suturing.